Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. It has pass few days. Celebrating this day with a group of friend. We are having steamboat, eating moon cake, playing with lanterns and walking around the uni compound together. It was fun. The moon is not so big. It was fun. For the first time i ever touch n feel the temperature of the moon. I can just hold it in my hand. :)
Credit to photographer for this awesome photo
Group photo
Powered parachute. I wish i can play it one day.
Last Sunday, we meet with our junior who just come in this September.
Yong Vui Kong, a Sabahan, was 18 years and 6 months old when he was arrested for trafficking 47 grams of heroin into Singapore. He was sentenced to mandatory death in January 2009. He had exhausted his appeals by August this year and he'll be hang next month! And he can only escape execution if the Singapore President grants clemency. Yong faces injustice in Singapore when the Law Minister made an open remark that jeopardizes his Clemency. Yong had repent and enlightened by the Buddhism teaching and hopes his death sentence can be changed to life sentence to preach the don't-do-drug message in prison.
杨伟光,第一次懂他时是几年前的事情了。那时他的家人发起了Save Vui Kong Campaign。曾经我想过,新加坡政府会不会为了一棵树而放弃整片森林。如果新加坡政府免了一个毒贩的死罪,那接下来将会有许多毒贩用同样的方法逃死罪。毒品的问题越来越严重。有需求才会有买卖。从杨伟光身上我看到了他的悔改。他写的《最后的12章》书信。劝请世人远离毒海,珍惜生命。一个愿意改过自新的人我们应不应该给他们第二次活的机会。常常人们因为一时的贪念而犯下滔天大罪。珍惜那得来不易的生命活出属于自己最完美的故事。生命常常不能重来,不能take two。作对的决定让自己不后悔。如果他真的可以逃过死刑,希望他好好珍惜这第2次的生命,帮助更多吸毒的人。
This video inspiring me much. I always impressed with the people who work in hospital everyday. They have to face life and death daily. How they can manage it. Their EQ maybe high enough to go through that. Whenever i pay a visit to hospital, i wonder what all the people i passed by were there for. I wondered about their pain, their joys, their feelings and their tears. We never know what someone is going through. We know nothing what is going on in each other's lives, because we couldn't see inside others's people hearts. A man who is in a smiling face maybe just loss his son. A great reminder of never judge people by how they appear on the outside. Most think we know everything and are so quick to judge. A reminder for me too. Never be a judge'r. There are too many judge'r outside there. What the world's need is the one who can understand what they are going through. Empathy is very important. As a future counselor, i try to understand what is going on with people beside me. How they feel, and why they react like this. It is not a easy task for me to show empathy to others. But i try my best to understand their heart. If you could stand in someone's else shoes, hear what they say, see what they see, feel what they feel, would you treat them differently? We may look different, but our hearts beat with the same dreams. Let's be more loving to others.
Everyone you meet or come across, is fighting a war. When you can't be kind, be silent. Value each and every person who cross in your life. We all have our story. Others have theirs. We never know. Love one another do not deceive OR judge, treat them with courtesy, with compassion, with respect. Every person is PRECIOUS and MEAN A LOT.
First things to share, i receive the lantern from 阿Jib哥。No comment, thank you anyway。Mooncake festival is just around the corner. Same as last year, i didn't celebrate it with my lovely family but for sure i will celebrate it with a group of friend. University's life. I still play lantern and i enjoy it. The best things is i enjoy the moon that night which is big and round. Countdown for the mooncake festival :)
Enjoy my dinner. Nasi kerabu kelantan. Love it so much, but i didn't know how to make it.
Smile everyday to brighten up this world
.Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours.
Effective people know how to harness the power of themselves, all three of them. Their past self, present self and future self, work together every day to establish a vision and seize opportunities.
Think, do and be something better than yesterday and making today a stepping stone for the greater tomorrows.
Class discussion today, "who is your favourite teacher? What is the characteristics of a good teacher?" and of course the first teacher come into your mind is the teacher u like the most. Although it have been about three years i leave my secondary school life's, i miss it. SJK(C) Chung Sing, SMK St. Elizabeth, SMK Sacred Heart have successfully build me into a person. There are many teachers who ever teach me. Thanks to them for building up me to become who i am today. Without them, i can't get any knowledge, motivation, skills and so on. A song that impressed me always. THANK YOU TEACHER. You raise me up to more than i can be.
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Apple launched two new devices- the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c
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iPhone 5C - Available in green, blue, yellow, pink and white, iPhone 5c features an A6 chip, ultra-fast wireless, an 8MP iSight camera and iOS 7.